Should you drop out of school? This question is asked over and over again. The real answer may not be what you think. The world is changing rapidly forcing us to find new ways to live and thrive in the new economy, and dropping out of school might serve as a way to do just that. In this episode, Prinston Hicks and Countrycowboyy answer the question should you drop out of school.
The truth is, dropping out of school may not be the worst thing you can do. In fact, some of the world's most famous and successful people dropped out of school. If you're wondering whether it's worth it to drop out of school or not, listen to this episode where Founders Prinston Hicks and Countrycowboyy answer that question.
Prinston and Countrycowboyy will tell you what they think about dropping out of school. For example, did you know that Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard? It might seem scary to think about not going to college but there are so many other ways to get a good education without going to a traditional university. You could learn new skills on YouTube or by taking classes. There are plenty of other ways that can help you get educated without going to a traditional university or college.
Prinston and Countrycowboyy also talk about how they started their business from scratch and didn't use their formal education. They created their own opportunities for themselves because they knew it was possible for them even if society said it wasn't. They want people who are in high school, thinking about dropping out, to know that it's possible for them too!
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