Do you want total freedom over your life? I am the master of my faith, I am the captain of my soul. This is a line from one of my favorite poems of all time (Invictus). Why? Because the entire poem speaks about the spirit that create success. Here's the thing, there is a framework to master your destiny. There is a blueprint for success if you choose to follow it! Welcome to Massive Action Movement. You are about to take a journey that contains the pathway to your success. If you choose to take action. In this inaugural article I'm going to explore the framework that creates success. This blog will contain strategies to create the right mindset, make money online, start a successful business, and become the master of your own destiny. So let's explore how to master your mindset to get everything you want.
In the Earl Nightingale's classic the Strangest secret he said one of the most iconic lines. "We become what we think about". Now, I'm going to be honest with you when I first heard this I smacked my teeth because I thought this was some bullshit. I thought this was something people say while holding the real secret hostage.
Yet, this is more practical than you may think. In the book, Social the author showed how our medial prefrontal cortex absorbs information from other people and the media consume. Here's the scary part. When people consumed content they would start repeating those ideas weeks later without knowing where they came from. Basically, whatever thoughts they consumed started to become their own thoughts. This is why it's important to keep the right people around you, and why people always say you are the average of the 5 people you hang around.
It doesn't stop there! Because studies show that our actions tend to follow our expectations. For example, let's say you believe a company would never hire you because you're black. Would you apply? So, you would never have the opportunity to get the job. Now, let's say the only reason you believe this is because you heard this from some friends. Then a week after you pass on the job you see another person that is black getting that same job.
What happened? You actually missed an opportunity because of your thoughts about the situation. Not the facts about the situation. There are countless times when people's thoughts caused them to fail. There are times when people doubt someone and they succeeded anyway. The classic statement "As a man Thinketh in his heart so is he" shows that thoughts guide our actions and actions create our circumstances. So first step to mastering you destiny is to create the right thought process.
As A Man Thinketh In His Heart So Is He
Proverbs 23:7
Napoleon Hills success classic Think and Grow Rich talks about having a Definite Chief Aim (Definite Major Purpose), but what is a definite chief aim? When I talk to people one of the most surprising thing I see is they have no idea what direction they're headed in life. Really think about this, how can you get somewhere if you have no destination?
Now, let me be honest with you. I believe having a definite chief aim (Definite major purpose) scares people because they believe that have to come up with some world changing mission. Not true! I doesn't matter if you want to amass a million dollars, save children in a third world, or just create financial freedom for you family, the point is to always have a major goal.
Next, this major goal should be something you desire enough that give you a burning desire because honestly if it doesn't get you excited you're going to quit pretty quickly. Indecisiveness is the killer of success. It's not important that you always know what to do, but it is important that you always have a direction.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past or how lofty your aims and hopes may be
Napoleon Hill
A definite major aim is just the start. If you really want to know how to master your mindset then this might be the most important thing you learn in this article. You must affirm and visualize the future you want over and over until it becomes a habit. So, as you read this article you might become motivated to take action and master your negative thinking patterns. However, what happens? You might start off strong but then you get around friends, and family and all of a sudden you stop tending to your mental garden.
Read this carefully, in order to master your mindset you are going to need to create a success environment. Let me explain! Repetition is the mother of learning! Cliche but true and most people don't focus on their goals long enough for the pursuit to become habit. I don't know what your inner thoughts are but if you find yourself constantly thinking that things could never work for you or that you are not worthy of success then you've got some work to do.
Here's the thing, those thoughts are just patterns you have developed from your past. Here's the harsh reality! You are using affirmations right now. All day you are either affirming why you can't accomplish things or why you can. We must turn that around until positive affirmations become a habit. Here are some powerful tools you can use to help turn your positive thinking into habit.
There are literally hundreds of techniques to mastering your mindset but that would take an entire book to document them all. You can research these techniques further and use the one's that work for you.
I'm going to tell you the biggest cause of failure with everyone I've ever known. It's being overwhelmed by negative thoughts. I wanted to add this section to say that it's not enough to affirm your new reality if your thoughts are constantly saying "This doesn't work, this shit not true, this is dumb, This is silly, This is not how success works, etc". So, listen carefully!
I don't care if you have a negative though 100 times in an hour reverse it immediately. For example, I don't know enough to start a business! You say scratch that, I just need to learn more in order to be successful. I can't afford to go on that trip! You say, I choose to spend my money in another way right now! (Never say what you can't afford) I can't stress how important it is to reverse negative thoughts as long as it take for positive thinking to become habit.
This will be difficult at first but if you persist the reward will be worth it. When I first started this I realized my mind was dominated by negative thinking. However, as I changed my mind I found my reality began to change. I went from sleeping on the floor to living in a 2 story loft downtown and traveling around the world. You may not realize it, but it wasn't the skills I learned or any books I read. The most important thing I changed was my thinking.
Learning how to master your mindset is crucial if you want to be successful, a leader, or live a life you control. How we think, what we believe about ourselves, or what we think is possible for our future impacts where our life goes. This means, the most important thing you can do when you decided to take this journey is control your thinking. You will fail sometimes, you will have setback, you will face difficult problems. However, the thing that will keep you going is your mindset. Keep taking action!
You're Just 10 Building Blocks Away From A Successful Business...
Prinston Hicks
I am Prinston Hicks, Founder of The Centiverse and Massive Action Movement. I'm a Marketing Specialist, Public Speaker, Business Development Expert, Branding Expert, and Challenger of Traditional Thinking. As an entrepreneur and business owner for over 10 years now. I have created multiple businesses that were founded on the principles of massive action: is my personal brand and blog where I share my passion for marketing with the masses. My mission is to help you make the world suck less by teaching you how to become a better marketer and brand yourself into success.
The Massive Action Movement is a global movement dedicated to helping you create a future where you are in control